denotation and connotations


the boy is looking at the camera with a sad/distressed face. There are texts that say 'dig toilets not graves'. It is from water aid and it could be made in somewhere in poverty like Africa. 

the text font size if very big compared to everything else so that could have emphasis on how important this issue is. looking from the walls it looks like it is made from stones and mud so you can tell they are in poverty to show us that the less fortunate need things we need that we get for free.

The phrase "dig toilets not graves" shows that they have a lack of toilets leaving the area they live in unsanitary and not a nice place to live.The phrase also shows that they live in poverty as they don't have something as common as a toilet. The fact that he is wearing a blue shirt could also show that he doesn't have clean water as blue connotative to clean water and the ad if from water aid who gives out clean water to the less fortunate. 

the text is in black and the text is big and above the clouds.You can see Nike's logo and you can see clouds and the sky.

it is on the clouds because the word dream makes you think of the sky and clouds.the main thing that stands out is the text so that could me indicating on the importance of the phrase

the phrase relates to/has something to do with Nike's iconic quote "just do it" which could be motivational and inspirational to some so it helps in remembering their brand.the advert is from Nike so they could be selling their product as a way to promote hard work.


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